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Welcome to Lazareti ―
Where most beautiful encounters happen.

The Lazareti are the only fully preserved quarantine complex on the European side of the Mediterranean, under the protection of UNESCO since 1994.

In 1590, the Senate of the Dubrovnik Republic decided to situate it by the eastern City gate near the City Walls, at the intersection of main land and naval trade routes. The Lazareti were built from 1627 until 1647, and their significance for the protection of the City from dangerous invisible enemies: plague and other infectious diseases, was confirmed in 1724 when they were declared an integral part of the City’s fortifications. The complex resembles the City Walls and consists of the plateau and ten naves (halls) with five inner courtyards.

Today, the Lazareti are used for a variety of functions such as art, entertainment, trade, congresses, catering, fashion and other events of social interest, and have become a meeting venue not only for the citizens of Dubrovnik and the entire county but also tourists whose number is growing every year.

The commercial function of the Lazareti is very important because that is how this valuable space is brought closer to those it is intended for – people. Various catering establishments with excellent food and beverage offerings are located on the Lazareti square, the space where fashion comes to the fore with designer furniture, as well as the pride of Dubrovnik: the Linđo Folklore Ensemble, Art Workshop Lazareti, Deša regional centre for community building and civil society development, and Lero Student Theatre.


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Frana Supila 10,
20000 Dubrovnik


+385 20 638 208

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